00:00 Intro.
01:55 Fiscal conservatism vs social justice
03:14 Economic programs to solve social issues are EXPENSIVE
05:40 Another approach to looking at the situation, blaming neocolonialism.
10:42 Our inability to learn from history, and shunning of responsibility.
12:03 Thoughts about democracy and voting
12:30 The effects of socialism may differ by country based on the population’s ability to sustain the productivity required to pay the debt.
14:05 Other factors influencing a country’s growth
Main Paper: http://www.nber.org/papers/w14604.pdf
Henry, P. B., & Miller, C. (2008). Institutions vs. policies: A tale of two islands (No. w14604). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Article about neocolonialism (from a speech): https://debate.uvm.edu/dreadlibrary/borelli02.htm
Borelli, Dori, (2002). Neocolonialism in Jamaica: History, practices, and resistance.
DISCLAIMER: I am not an economist and I am not an expert on these topics.
Originally Published on November 15, 2017
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