Mass shootings and school shootings not on the rise:
You can find the actual research publications if you can pay for them:
Article about the effects of bans on guns in UK, Australia, Ireland
Actual data sources in article:
Australia (runs flat) https://aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi261
UK (up then back down) https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DJ-KA2WhhLo/UNZr8agpVqI/AAAAAAAAFH4/f6rrTVN7q6I/s1600/Screen+Shot+2012-12-22+at++Saturday,+December+22,+9.26+PM.png
UK again (Couldn’t find exact figure above and some links don’t work. See page 31 in this article) https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/116483/hosb0212.pdf
Ireland (increase then decrease to same level) Jamaica (just increases) https://crimeresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Ireland-Jamaica-2.jpeg
These show no decrease in deaths or murder but sometimes a decrease in gun deaths.
US info (not including suicides) http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/
If you’re interested in Jamaica plus any country this was my favorite website http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/jamaica
Blonde’s video with great sources “Mass Shootings | the Role of Parental Absence & Mental Health”
SOME OF THE OTHER SIDE (that I don’t agree with):
Their goal is to prevent mass shootings or gun deaths, not homicide or murder. As said above: They say it stops mass shootings but I suppose it’s not the number of people who die, just one specific way that people die. But it results in less ability to defend oneself from criminals (who don’t care about gun laws) as well as the state. As for ‘gun fantasy’, again, why are people insistent on telling other people what to do? It’s also not a fantasy that governments have been responsible for the mass killings of their citizens. Think about China in the past or Venezuela right now. An armed populace can do much more than an unarmed one, even if they don’t have tanks and drones etc.
I am passionate about this!
Thanks for watching.
Originally Published on March 4, 2018
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