Thinking of purchasing the book?
00:10 Intro
01:43 Why I liked the book
02:55 What I got from the book regarding his main argument on the origins of Black culture in the US.
04:26 Anecdotal tangent
05:21 How historically relations between blacks and whites in the US shifted based on immigration patterns
08:55 Alienation of middle class or educated blacks from the rest of black society
09:36 Difference between black americans and black immigrants
10:36 Some personal thoughts on the idea of ethnocentrism.
12:35 Are some cultures better than others?
14:25 How do I actually feel about the topic of “black culture”?
Yes I recorded this video a few days ago and the views were at 2000. Because the views on the Race and IQ video are shooting up so fast I decided to release this slightly early. Also for those complaining, my next video won’t be about race. I needed to get things off my chest.
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03:51 I said 80 – 90% of blacks lived in the south.
The actual quote is (p. 42) “While more than 90 percent of the antebellum black population lived in the South, the “free persons of color” were evenly divided between the states of the North and South and, within the South, they tended to leave the Deep South and gravitate toward that region’s less oppressive places farther north.217″
217. BureauoftheCensus,NegroPopulation:1790-1915(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1918),p.55.InMississippi,forexample,thenumberofslaves more than doubled between 1840 and 1860, while the number of “free persons” of color” was nearly halved during those same years. In Arkansas, the number of slaves increased fivefold during those same years while the number of free Negroes fell by more than two-thirds. Ibid., p.57.
THIS WAS A SLIGHT MISTAKE AND I DON’T WANT TO MISQUOTE HIM. But he also states that free blacks were never more than 14% of the population so the argument still holds true. Exact quote (p43): Most black holders of doctoral degrees in the middle of the twentieth century, as well as most Negroes working in the professions in the nation’s capital at that time, were by all indications descendants of the antebellum “free persons of color”—a group that was never more than 14 percent of the black population.222”
222. See Thomas Sowell, “Three Black Histories,” in Essays and Data on American Ethnic Groups, ed. Thomas Sowell (Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, 1978), pp. 12-13.
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Originally Published on May 8, 2017
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