January 28th, 2018|Tags: be, celebrity, comedy, conquest, criminality, daenerys, dreaming, entertainment, famous, fiction, film, Funny, game of thrones, GOT, hollywood, humor, imagination, iron throne, it's, just thinking out loud, khaleesi, khalessi, leslie jones, movie, movies, music, music video, News, nickelodeon, ok, politics, power, psychology, rap, targaryen, television, to, tv, TV Genre, TYT, white, white walker|
00:00 Intro/ I don’t know what this video is. 01:19 Why are people watching this show? 02:00 Bringing Structure to Imagination 02:45 Our Reptilian Brain 03:30 Is there a link between the extremes of violent fiction, and less violence in the real world? 04:50 Living vicariously through character deve [...]